Tuesday, January 29, 2013

People, Places, Words and Things: Be Selective!

I love this outfit! I imagine this girl wearing this jacket everyday. It's her power piece. Whether she has on jeans or a dress, whether she is going to work or going out, old faithful is coming along. The unexpected pop of green is beautiful. And the selective simplicity of the whole look says to me "I know what I like". I imagine her spending mornings at this table, drinking coffee and reading. I imagine her planting some small succulents in her front yard and dreaming of the day they will be as big as these beauties.

As someone who has issues with holding onto things for too long, I find it very inspiring to see clean, curated  homes. I go through phases of feeling like I should keep things for posterity. I so enjoy discovering family relics, and maybe one day my great granddaughter would get a thrill from digging through a box to find my worn out boots, or that dress I never wear, or that doodle I drew in a boring class. But I have to remember that it's just stuff! The stuff that truly matters will survive the purges. I think these words apply to our closets as well. How many dumb tee shirts do we really need? We know we always sleep in the same 3, and the rest just sit there because we got it at that show in high school  and it doesn't really fit anymore but we keep it because we feel like we should. We should only have what we LOVE, the rest is just weighing us down. (this is all easier said than done)

1, 2, 3, 4

Monday, January 28, 2013

People, Places, Words and Things

Coming from a theater family, with a dance and costuming background, EVERYTHING is a costume to me. I create a character for myself every day and I always have a vision of what my character would wear for certain events. For instance, as a child if was in my room painting with water colors, wearing jeans and an over sized smock shirt and my mother asked me to go pick some flowers for the dinner table, I first had to put on a delicate floral dress and my red riding hood cloak before starting this task. 

In adulthood I have not escaped this habit. I'm about to go on a trip to Florida where I will meet my boyfriend's parents for the first time so I am planning lots of ladylike and responsible looking outfits. Sophie Conti pretty much hits the nail on the head in her Stylelikeu interview. 

Recently, I have found myself creating characters for the places and things I am inspired by.  I imagine this girl having a solo dance party in that beautiful living room while she gets ready for a night out in those awesome velvet platforms.

Above all else words inspire me. And sometimes all it takes to light a fire under my ass is an honest quote that hits home and wakes me up. I saw these words the other day and realized how lazy I have become. I have stopped drawing and painting and I am completely ADDICTED to television. My creative mind is wasting away in my skull and it's time to get it back in shape. 

1, 2, 3, 4

This is my world

I pretty much do everything in this room. This bed is my desk. The walls are my canvas. and everything is a costume.